Tuesday, June 7, 2011

DAY TEN - Memphis

Memphis is an awesome city to visit!  Graceland was worthwhile!  It is easy to imagine all that went on in Graceland in its’ hay day!   What was a mansion back in the 1970’s clearly is not anything like we would consider a mansion now.  However, having said that it is important to put yourself back in that era to experience the full effect of Graceland.  The panelling, the shag carpet are truly tell-tale signs of the 1970’s.  What a treat to see that they have preserved that culture in Graceland.  The blue velvet sofas and chairs are truly amazing when looked at back then.  To have the mirrors and shag on the ceiling is pretty funny now but was basically the cat’s meow back then!

After Miles picked up Patty at the airport we met them at Graceland and had an amazing tour.  Stopping at the gift shops and the Harley Davidson Graceland store was fun!  After leaving Graceland we proceeded to Bumpus Harley-Davidson in Memphis to get our stamp in order to be eligible for the $1,000 prize!  So of course we had to shop.  It is nice to have Patty along in order to shop the girls stuff and to have reinforcements to bug the guys!  Too much fun!

We met for supper at 5:00 p.m. to catch the trolley to the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King was shot.  They are just in the midst of renovations and it is truly a historical place to visit for all people that appreciate life!  One of the sayings in the store I really enjoyed was:  “Good women don’t make history.”  How true is that! 

We then walked back to Beale Street to enjoy a wonderful supper at Blues City Cafe & Club again!  Tonight I tried the catfish and enjoyed the ribs again.  I also tried the apple cobbler – WOW!   Very good!

The band that was playing was one of the better blues bands in Memphis and I enjoyed their music very much.  One of the girls on the tour, Cindy and I went looking for a blues hat for her and went to some gift shops and I enjoyed the music so much in one of the shops that I purchased a CD.  While I was deciding on which CD to purchase the manager came out and had a little dance with me!  What fun is that!  Needless to say he recommended a great CD that I cannot wait to listen to on our way to Nashville tomorrow night. 

Tomorrow I look forward to the Grand Ole Opry which reminds me of the actual Grand Ole Opry shutting down the Cobden Grand Ole Opry – hard to imagine that Nashville actually heard about the Cobden one!  In any event we will see if the original lives up to the Cobden one – hope it does!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Char, already day 10 under your belt! i missed a couple of days and you are in Memphis already. Happy Trails!