We left Chattanooga this morning around 8:30 a.m. with the sun shining brightly again! Too hot - wow. I wore a long sleeve shirt today as my arms couldn't take any more sun. (Imagine that!!). The interstate was hot, flat and long. We rode at 120 km/hr and was able to get all the way to New Orleans today which was unexpected. We drove 870 km today!!
New Orleans is very neat - streets are very narrow and full of life. We had supper at Deanie's Seafood which was delicious. Check it out at: http://www.deanies.com/restaurants/
Arriving at the hotel was awesome! Met up with a number of people from Route 66. John and Susan, Reg and Beth, Jim, Drew and Alan. It was like old home week. Great people! I look forward to spending the next 10 days with all these great bikers.
Tomorrow is registration and the first event! Can't wait to get this party started!!
1 comment:
Hello Again from Pointe-du-Chene:
What a trip. New Orleans is so exciting! Watch out for the mimes!
At first, I thought they were all statues (ha! ha! ha!).
Drive safe! Enjoy the hot weather!
Until your next blog update--have fun!
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