Saturday, June 4, 2011

DAY SEVEN - New Orleans Party - Part Two

Today was an eventful day!  This morning we went to the D-day Museum and spent three hours learning more about the D-Day mission.  Awesome exhibits well worth the admission to spend some time learning about the history of the World War.  It really hit me today that it wasn’t that long ago!  Perhaps as you get older you start to realize that 65 years ago really wasn’t that long ago!  When you put it in perspective and you know someone other than your grandparents that were in that era it really hits home that it wasn’t that long ago.  And I say that because until we hit an age we put our grandparents in a different era all together which really isn't the case at all!

This afternoon at lunch we rode to the dealership where they put on a nice lunch of roast beef on a bun.  There was a wedding performed during the festivities and was being filmed by the local TV station as well as a number of amateur video fanatics!  This afternoon was spent out by the pool with all the girls – Susan, Beth, Jackie as well as a few others!  The strawberry daiquiris started there and continued on into the night! 
We then met at 5:00 for our parade to the waterfront with a police escort and a marching band from a local high school.  What a blast.  Some of the HOG members were throwing out beads to the people along the way who really got a kick out of us dancing and marching along!  We had our group picture taken in front of the Creole Queen River boat with all of our masks and boas on!  Too funny – of course I had to be up front with another friend Jolene to make sure we could find ourselves.  As if, me in my red and white representing our fine country of Canada!!

We had enough time to have another drink before our boat left for our dinner cruise.  Wow, then one of the girls decided to send her husband out for more drinks!  The captain informed us we had to drink them before the boat left, which was in fifteen minutes!  They were huge glasses of frozen daiquiris!  Wow the crew really got a kick out of us!! 

On the dinner cruise there was a couple John and Jacquie that had got married today from Scotland!  Jacquie’s mother was there too!  They had such a hoot with us – we really broke this ice with them.  Once we started everyone on the first deck wanted to talk to them.  John and Jacquie really appreciated that and we had an absolute blast with them.  The girls were checking out his kilt and praising him up!  He came back over with some tartan pieces and butterflies.  Then Jacquie came over with some roses out of her bouquet!  What fun!  Jacquie`s mother came over and sat with us and she gained a number of new daughters - Canadian and American!  Jacquie also gained some sisters in the process.  What fun we had.

On the way back to the hotel we were singing ``When the saints come marching in``!  Too crazy. Susan is an absolute blast.  What a crazy girl she is!  A friend forever is for sure.

Tomorrow we leave at 8:00 a.m. and I hope that I am able to get up and get going!  Could be very interesting!

PS – Kyle turns 21 today and wishes he could have been here to celebrate with his crazy mother – he would have had a blast! 


Anonymous said...

Hi from Florida, glad all is well and that you are having a good trip. I have been keeping up with you cuz Sharon

Anonymous said...

Keep going Char!!! More miles and a few more drinks to come I guess...... Rod