Friday, June 10, 2011

DAY FOURTEEN - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Today was a cooler day riding.  However I started out the day with a tank top thinking that it would warm up.  It did the opposite and as we headed through some fog later on in the morning it was time to put a jacket on!  Allan from HOG said later tonight that he had to give me props!  He said:  "here I was freezing my butt off and you passed me with a tank top on!"  And of course I said:  "Well you know I am from Canada!"  Too funny.  It wasn't that bad when we passed him on the bikes but it was about an hour later that I did put my jacket on.

Later in the morning we stopped at another Harley dealer in Dover.  I purchased some new boots and threw out my old ones as the sole was split on both of them!  Must be all that tippy toeing I do on the bike!  It wasn't long after the dealer that we ran into some rain and had to stop to put on some rain gear to ride the rest of the way to the hotel. 

Tonight we went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!  Wow what a spot.  We had the whole museum to ourselves with a band playing all kinds of rock and roll music.  They served us drinks and treats!  It was really nice to finish off such a wonderful trip at a great place. 

I have decided to head out early in the morning hoping to beat some of the rain rather than the heat!! It is shorter going towards Syracuse than it is going to Toronto so I am going to stick with Miles and Patti on the way back which gives me some company for most of the trip and if the weather is bad I have a place to stay which is great. 

HOG did a wonderful trip and deserve a big round of applause for making another vacation one to remember!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to Go Char! Happy you made it all the way around! Glad to hear that you had a great trip! I left for Europe on Saturday. Hello from Paris.